Monday, March 8, 2010

Good evening. I don't know about all of you, but I found this chapter to be quite a puzzle.
I hope our disscussion helps put the pieces in place.

Lauren goes to extreme lengths to make her confessions. Yet, even after traveling 2 hours from home, why do you think she is still reluctant to fully confess her sins? What are your thoughts/reactions to her approach to confession?

On page209 she expresses her concern over looking ordinary and normal and not impressive or kindred in Father Peter's eyes. This concern seems contradictory to the wonderful analogy she gave between her teacher and a loving, forgiving God who accepts us as imperfect individuals. Is confession more psychological then theological for her?

There are numerous references throughout this chapter to God, Jesus and Heaven being up above us. In what ways do we draw closer to and connect with God? Does a private vs public confession strengthen our connection to God?

This chapter is titled Eastertide. How do all the threads of this chapter connect to the resurection?

Friday, March 5, 2010

March Blogging Next Week

Hello everyone,
We'll be live blogging next Tuesday, March 9 at 7:30 p.m. and we'll be finishing the discussion in April. We're considering doing another book over the summer, probably several chapters each month. Please let us know if you're interested.